Review: The Staff and the Blade July 27, 2016 5 stars Elizabeth Hunter +0 paranormal 5 stars Elizabeth Hunter paranormal
Review: Lady of Skye July 18, 2016 5 stars historical romance +0 Patricia Cabot 5 stars historical romance Patricia Cabot
Review: Imitation and Alchemy July 14, 2016 4 stars Elizabeth Hunter +0 paranormal 4 stars Elizabeth Hunter paranormal
Review: What I Love About You July 12, 2016 3 stars contemporary romance +0 Rachel Gibson 3 stars contemporary romance Rachel Gibson
Review: Forget Me Not July 05, 2016 3 stars romantic suspense +0 Terri Molina 3 stars romantic suspense Terri Molina
Review: To Tempt a Knight July 01, 2016 3 stars Gerri Russell +0 historical romance 3 stars Gerri Russell historical romance