Blog Tour: Love You Always by AJ Alexander

A woman who’s waiting for her love to return home …

A man who doesn’t believe he deserves her.

Love You Always, an all-new brother’s best friend, age-gap, small town romance from USA Today bestselling author AJ Alexander is now available!

I’ve been in love with my brother’s best friend, Brady Thomas, since I was old enough to know what love was.  It didn’t matter that he was older than me or that my brother would disapprove, there was no changing the way that I felt about him.  I planned to keep my feelings a secret, telling myself it was nothing but a silly crush. Then Brady did the unthinkable, he kissed me before leaving without a word.  

That one kiss changed everything. Instead of getting the happily ever after I dreamed of,  I spent months waiting for any hint that our  kiss meant something to him. That he felt something, anything close to what I feel for him, but the only thing I got was the silent treatment.

Now, a little over a year later, Brady is back in town stirring up all the feelings I’ve been trying desperately to forget.  The moment our eyes lock across my brother’s bar I feel the walls around my heart begin to crumble. But I refuse to make the same mistake twice. 

If Brady wants a chance at my heart, then he’s going to have to fight for it.

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Keep reading for a look inside Love You Always!

      “Who isn’t yours?”

      I spin around and lock eyes with Brady. What the hell is he doing out here?

      “Is some guy giving you a hard time?” he asks, pulling his arms out of his jacket and draping it over my shoulders. “I can go knock him around a little for you.”

      I giggle softly. “No, he’s kind of dense.” I pull the sleeves of his jacket over my hands. “Besides, it’s not his fault. I doubt he even knows I exist.”

      How ironic. I wonder how different the conversation would be if he knew that the man who sent me running from the party was him.

      “I doubt that.” Brady’s eyes soften as he pulls me into his chest, burying his nose in my curly dark brown hair.

      “It’s you,” I whisper as I wrap my arms around his waist, squeezing him tightly and hiding my face in his chest.

      “What about me?” He pulls back slightly, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind my ear.

      “Nothing. Forget I said anything.” I drop my head and try to pull out of his arms, but his hand tightens along my waist.

      Brady grips my chin between his thumb and index finger, lifting it slowly. His forest-green eyes stare down at me, searching for the answer to his question.

      “Em, you can tell me.” His eyes swirl with adoration and something else, something that I’ve never noticed before.

      It can’t be. There’s no way.

      I shake my head to clear my thoughts. “Not this, Brady.”

      “Yes, this,” he pleads. “Tell me.”

      I close my eyes tightly, unable to deny his request but not knowing how to begin. How do you tell someone that you long to be with them? That they are the air you breathe and the heartbeat deep inside your chest. That you have no idea when it happened, but you can’t bear to spend one more day without letting them know how you feel. How deeply and irrevocably in love you are with them.

      I open my mouth to respond but clamp it shut tightly. Panic swells in my chest at the idea of him not feeling the same way for me. Of ruining whatever this tentative friendship is between us. I love Brady. I will always love him, but is it better just to keep things the way they are now? No. I can’t do that. Not now. Not with him leaving with a chance that he’ll never be back. I don’t want to live my life with regrets, wondering how things could’ve been if I had been brave enough to tell him how I felt about him.

      “Brady,” I whisper as I rise onto my toes and wrap my arms around his neck before leaning forward. My lips brush against his once before I pull back and gather my courage. “I love you.”

      His eyes darken as a low rumble escapes his throat. Then, before I can react, he leans down, crashing his lips into mine. We both groan as Brady nibbles and sucks at my bottom lip before running his tongue along it.

      “Emersyn,” he groans as he threads his hand in my hair, gripping the coarse hairs near my scalp tightly and pulling my head back to get a better angle, possessing me in a way I never imagined was possible.

      Every nerve ending in my body sizzles with anticipation as his hands slide down my body, cupping my ass. I want to give him everything in this moment—everything that I am now, everything that already belongs to him.

      We break apart, gasping for air, and he pulls me closer to him and nibbles down my neck.

      “I’ve dreamed of this for years,” he whispers against the soft skin of my neck before brushing his lips softly against mine. “But I never believed…”

      “What in the fuck is going on out here?” Beckett bellows as he slams the back door shut hard behind him. “I come out here to check on my baby sister, and I find my best friend molesting her!”

For more information about AJ Alexander and her books, visit her website:

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