Everyone said that Lupe Martínez was a good kid. She listened to her mom, she helped at the homeless shelter, she got good grades, and she had a bright future ahead of her.
Until she disappeared.
Now no one knows what to think. The police are sure she ran away; her mother is sure she didn’t. Days have passed and no one knows what to do until her family priest suggests they call in an old friend.
A very old friend.
Saint's Passage is the first book in the all new Elemental Covenant series by USA Today bestselling author, Elizabeth Hunter, author of the Elemental Legacy series, the Glimmer Lake series, and the Irin Chronicles.
Genre: paranormal
Publication date: March 2020
Mature content: yes
Review: Saint's Passage is book one in Elizabeth Hunter's new Elemental World spin-off, Elemental Covenant.
Running the risk of being the only one (giving the raving reviews on Amazon), I'm going to say I didn't like this book. Some passages that are truly up to par with Elizabeth Hunter's best (those, and the funny banter between Carwyn and Brigid are the only reasons supporting the three stars rating), but others are just weird. As if you're jumping from one thing to another in two consecutive sentences, with no sequence. Once or twice I actually had to go back and make sure I hadn't missed a page in between. Other expressions are repeated, almost the same, throughout out the book, or a character raises an issue or mentions a name as it it's something new, when another character had said the same a few pages back. And Carwyn? For all the banter, he just doesn't feel the same person we met in a Hidden Fire. I keep hoping for the old Carwyn to return but it the latest books, this one included, he is a much more serious person and definitely doesn't match the idea I had of him.
The plot, unfortunately, also didn't convince me. The same story could have been written without vampires in it, and it would work just the same - the only differences would be having the investigators work during the day instead of just at night and passing up Carwyn's digging skills. And there are so many other plot details that didn't add up...too many to even list here...
I had high expectations for this book, but sadly it seemed rushed and lacking the magic of the Elemental World we got used to in the first books. I'm hoping the next book in the series is a lot better, otherwise I just may pass up this series altogether.
Happy readings!
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