My bear is wild. Totally uncivilized. Savage.
Alpha’s Claim, an all-new tantalizing, fated mates, shifter romance from USA Today bestselling authors Renee Rose and Lee Savino is now available!

I’m not the nice bear. That’s my twin, Teddy.
I keep my bear caged.
Until I meet Paloma and my bear goes wild.
She’s beautiful and talented, but something’s rotten in this mansion in the Hamptons.
Her foster father keeps her locked in a tower, surrounded by guards.
There are whispers of an auction–a virgin auction.
My bear’s about to break free and go on a rampage.
But I can’t let him out.
Even if I can save Paloma, I can never claim her.
Not even when she smells like wild orchids,
Not even when she feels like freedom,
Not when she is my future, and my fated mate.

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“Well, Viking?” I challenge him. “Is this your keep?”
His warm, steady gaze turns smoldering. His lips curve into a slow smile. “It is. For now.”
He doesn’t take his eyes from mine.
“And what would you do if your princess tried to run?”
He doesn’t move. He just takes another sip of coffee and watches me.
The anticipation of his reaction turns me into a live wire.
“There would be consequences, of course.”
A tremor of excitement starts up behind my knees. The flesh between my legs lifts an squeezes. Without breaking eye contact, I slowly slide my coffee mug onto the counter. Then, I take off running. I make it to the glass sliding doors and waste a few precious seconds figuring out how to get it unlocked. The glass on the doors seems extra-thick. Like maybe it’s bullet-proof.
I throw the door open and realize Darius hasn’t moved yet.
Is he going to chase me?
He’d better not ruin this for me.
“Run, princess.” His murmur is a low rumble.
I take off sprinting across the deck and down the stairs to the sand below. I run for the water, where the wet sand will be better packed and easier to run on. Once there, I run as fast as I can.
Which isn’t very fast since my only exercise is riding Starlight.
It doesn’t matter, because when I look over my shoulder, Darius is right behind me, almost like he’s holding back even after giving me a head start.
I shriek in surprise.
He lunges forward and catches me around my waist. “Bad princess,” he murmurs in my ear as he spins me around. I cling to his muscled forearms. The gorgeous, corded tree trunks. “Now, I’m going to have to punish you.”
For more information about Renee Rose and her books, visit her website:
For more information about Lee Savino and her books, visit her website:
Happy readings!
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