Blog Tour: Perfect Betrayal by Season Vining

They’re locked in a wicked game of seduction and it’s unclear who is playing whom. 

Perfect Betrayal, an all-new titillating, forced proximity, romantic suspense from bestselling author Season Vining is now available!

To the outside world, Taylor Hudson has it all: beauty, money and social status. But Taylor’s life is lonelier than it appears.

Levi is the inside man on a job to steal fifteen million dollars from one of the town’s wealthiest families, putting him on a crash course with Taylor. Neither of them believes in love, but lust… that’s undeniable.

Now they’re locked in a wicked game of seduction and it’s unclear who is playing whom. But neither of them expected the affair to lead to the deepest connection they’ve ever experienced. Because beneath Taylor’s perfect exterior lies a need for love that mirrors Levi’s own.

As the heist approaches, they both face the difficult decision of giving up everything they’ve ever known to save each other.

Start reading today!

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Keep reading for a look inside Perfect Betrayal!

      “Whoa. You chasing something away, honey?”

      Levi set down his nearly empty beer bottle and looked over to find a pretty brunette perched at the bar next to him. She was an older woman, but attractive and well aware of it. Levi’s gaze dropped to her cleavage before snapping to her eyes again.

      “It’s okay. You can look,” she said, leaning over just a bit. “These babies cost so much, everyone should get a peek.”

      He chuckled and shook his head. Levi’s knee bounced up and down, rattling the barstool. It was the only outward sign of the buzzing excitement inside his head. He downed the rest of his cold beer and waved at the bartender for another. When it was delivered, he swallowed half of it in one long pull.

      “Definitely chasing some demons,” the woman offered.

      “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here,” he said.

      The woman placed her hand on Levi’s forearm, her red nails tracing the lines of ink. “Let me know if I can help in any way.” Her smile was infectious. Before he knew what he was doing, Levi was smiling back.

      “What the hell is this?”

      “Levi looked over his shoulder to find a giant of a man glaring at them, his eyes focused on where the woman was touching Levi.

      “We’re just talking,” she said, removing her hand and sliding two seats away. “Calm down, Aiden.”

      “Don’t tell me to be calm, Maggie.” The man’s chest heaved with deep breaths while his fingers stretched and curled into fists. Levi recognized the habits of a violent man. He grinned.

      “You should listen to your old lady before you have a stroke or something.” Levi finished his beer and swung around on his bar-stool to face the man now. Though Aiden was only a little taller, he had about fifty pounds on Levi.

      “Mind your business,” Aiden shouted. He turned to Maggie. “I work a double, come in here to grab a beer, and find you cuddled up with some piece of trash?”

      Levi was on his feet in a flash. Blood pumping, adrenaline singeing his already frayed nerves.

      “What the fuck did you call me?” Levi growled.

      “A punk kid piece of trash that doesn’t know when to shut his mouth.”

      “It wasn’t a conscious decision to throw the first punch. It never was with Levi. His temper was short, and once the fuse was lit, there was no stopping him. The cracking sound was heard even above the conversations and music of the bar. Levi wasn’t sure if it was his hand or the guy’s face.

      “You son of a—” Aiden roared, but he didn’t finish his thought as he swung.

      “Levi was too fast for the big, slow beast. He dodged the man’s effort and threw his right hand forward again, this time landing in Aiden’s gut.

      “Oomph,” was all the man could get out as he folded over in pain.

      Levi felt the euphoria wash over him, the physical manifestation of everything churning inside him. The bar had gone silent now, and as he checked on the lady who started all this, he missed the telltale sign of Aiden’s retaliation.

      The blow hit Levi’s mouth, snapping his head back. Blood coated his tongue and he spit it onto the floor between them. He brought his thumb to his bottom lip and swiped away the crimson there. Aiden was waiting, fists raised. Levi smiled, a dark and sinister kind of grin.

      “Out! The both of you!” the bartender shouted. “I’ll call the cops!”

      Aiden grunted and shoved his way out the door, giving up easily, while Levi reached for his wallet.

      “Get out!” the bartender repeated.”

      “I’m just paying my tab.”

      Levi threw a twenty down and tucked his wallet away. He then turned to Maggie, who was still sitting at the bar, wearing a guilty look.

      “Thanks. I really needed that.” He shot her a wink. The bartender glared. “I’m going,” he said, raising his hands in surrender.

      As Levi stepped out into the cool night air, he felt empowered. He took in the boarded-up buildings covered in graffiti and the dark streets and knew that he would always belong here. In this destitute neighborhood, Levi had always earned an honest living. He didn’t have much, but what he had, he had worked for. He used to think there was honor in that. There were only two places to go from here, over to greener pastures or upstate to prison. Either way, Levi was determined to leave behind this life and start new.

      Sometimes opportunities come along that call to your most basic desires—to be better, to take control. They are too tempting, too promising to pass up. Tomorrow would bring that opportunity.

For more information about Season Vining and her books, visit her website:

Happy readings!

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