Runaway Fate, the all first in the new highly entertaining and not-to-be-missed women's fiction paranormal series, Moonstone Cove from USA Today bestselling author Elizabeth Hunter is available now!

Katherine wasn’t looking for anything extraordinary in her life. She had a job she loved, a husband she adored, and a home in the beautiful seaside town of Moonstone Cove.
Okay yes, she worked too much and had fallen out of touch with all her friends, but that happened to everyone, right? And sure, she was feeling a little creaky in the mornings and couldn’t drink coffee after noon, but that was just life in middle age.
Four minutes was all it took for fate to run away with anything that resembled normal.
Now Katherine is trying to place mysterious psychic visions into her previously ordered life. She’s playing referee between a displaced Southern mama and a sarcastic mechanic with a chip on her shoulder. And her quiet life has been upended by a mysterious rash of violent acts by students at her school.
Thankfully, her new friends have powers of their own, and together they just might discover who or what has it in for the quiet citizens of Moonstone Cove.
Runaway Fate is the first book in the hot new Paranormal Women’s Fiction series, Moonstone Cove by USA Today bestselling author, Elizabeth Hunter. It’s fiction for lovers of magic, mayhem, and a solid afternoon nap (when they can squeeze one in.)

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“You’re smarter than about ninety-nine percent of the population, aren’t you?”
Katherine nodded. “That would be fairly accurate. I also went to college early, so normal socialization was stunted. Most of the girls in my college classes didn’t want to spend time with a fifteen-year-old, and I can’t really blame them.”
“Fifteen? That’s brutal.”
Katherine shrugged. “I didn’t get along with anyone in my high school either. At least they mostly left me alone in college.” High school? Not as much.
“I guess,” Toni said. “Megan has you figured out. She doesn’t think you’re patronizing.”
Katherine felt an immediate warmth. “I don’t know why the two of you didn’t get along, but she’s very nice. She’s an honest person. I appreciate that.”
“She has like, zero filter.”
“Yes. I find it to be a huge relief.”
“You can’t just say everything that comes to your mind.”
Katherine frowned and examined Toni’s assertion more closely. “But you can. You might offend people, but you can actually say everything that comes to mind.”
Toni shook her head. “Not if you want to remain living in my family.”
“Good to know.” Katherine made a mental note to avoid Toni’s family. “Megan has an excellent mind and she sees things in interesting ways. I like her perspective, and she’s decided that she and I are going to be friends. We’re having wine on Wednesday.”
“Wine Wednesday? Is this like Taco Tuesday?”
“Maybe? It happens on my deck and we just started so I don’t really know all the rules. Just that there’s wine on Wednesday and we’re having it at my house because I have a great deck and an ocean view.”
Toni made a face. “Careful, you have her over for too much Wednesday wine, you might not be able to get rid of her.”
It bothered Katherine that Toni had such a negative reaction to Megan. She didn’t understand the root of it, but she would find out.
“You probably have lots of friends,” Katherine said. “You grew up here. You have a big family. Megan and I don’t.”
“Her? She’s like Malibu Barbie with a Southern accent. The chicks who drive their Mercedes SUVs into my garage probably fell all over her when she moved here.”
Katherine enjoyed the way that Toni painted mental pictures. It made understanding her intentions much easier. “You might think that, but I don’t think it’s true. She said she finds people here very cold. I think she’s had a hard time making friends.”
“Huh.” Toni’s eyebrows rose. “Well, maybe I’ll join you for Wine Wednesday then.”
“So you’re admitting that the three of us are all exhibiting para-psychological phenomena and we have something in common?”
“Psychic stuff.” Better to stick with layman’s terms. “We’re all doing psychic stuff now.”
“Yes. Fine.” She rolled her eyes again. “Whatever. We’re doing psychic stuff and I don’t understand it, but I’d like to figure out what to do with it. Can I come on Wednesday or what?”
Katherine smiled. “Of course.”
* * *
Katherine didn’t warn Megan that Toni was coming, so two days later when the silver-grey vintage Mustang convertible parked in front of Katherine’s house on North Beach Drive, Megan’s eyes went wide.
Toni stepped out of the car holding a bottle of wine and wearing a grim expression, dark blue jeans, and a mustard yellow t-shirt with “Shift Happens” written on the front.
Megan stood and pointed at her. “I knew it!” She set down her wine glass. “I knew you knew it wasn’t just in our heads!”
Toni looked around and waved her hand in a ‘sit down’ motion. “Just chill, okay? I went in to see the professor—see Katherine—yesterday.” She glared at Katherine. “I thought she was going to tell you.”
Katherine sipped her wine. “Oh no, I was far too interested in observing this interaction.”
Megan was all smiles, her previous irritation with Toni seeming to melt away at the woman’s willing appearance on Katherine’s deck. “See? Three of us now. There’s something special about three.”
“Don’t get excited, Atlanta.” Toni set down the bottle of red. “This is from my cousin’s winery, but I didn’t just bring it because I got it for free. It’s actually good.”
“Your cousin has a winery?” Megan’s eyes lit up. “That’s so cool.”
“If you can think of a job on the Central Coast, from wine maker to electrician to marine biologist, I can almost promise I have a cousin doing it.”
“Big family?”
“I have forty-two first cousins,” Toni said. “And almost all of them have reproduced, so you can imagine.”
“So now that we’re all speaking to each other,” Katherine said, “what do you think happened two weeks ago? And what do you think we should do about all this… psychic stuff?”
“I don’t have an answers for the first question,” Megan said. “But check this out.” She reached out her hand and her wine glass scooted an inch to the left. “It’s getting stronger.”
“Oh yeah.” Toni reached into her pocket and brought out a corkscrew. “I’m definitely going to need alcohol for this conversation.”
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