Dimi Anderson may be a TV personality, but she’s never had the pizzazz
possessed by her twin sister. And pizzazz—read sex appeal—is what her
new producer, Mitchell Knight, thinks is missing from her cooking show.
So, not only does Dimi get a radical makeover, she also gets Mitch as an
on-air sidekick who really turns up the heat…
Genre: contemporary romance
Publication date: May 2018 (for the current Kindle edition; the original story is from 2001)
Mature content: yes
Review: As short stories go this one is well written, with a fairly original plot and even funny in places. But...I couldn't connect with the main characters (or the secondary ones, for that matter), and some of the situations we so ridiculous that didn't even make sense. It didn't hold my interest and I can't bring myself to actively recommend it.

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