Readers have requested it and here at last is the story of Denis de Sancerre, the dwarf who appears in many of Ms. Markland's previous books. Can Denis find love in a cruel medieval world? He has never risked his heart before. His half brother Adam must come to terms with physical losses caused by illness. Can he trust the woman he loves with his terrible secret?
The story unfolds in 12th century England, Normandy and Brittany. Set against the backdrop of the magnificent Arundel Castle, and the eerie ancient monoliths of Carnac in Brittany, Haunted Knights is the tale of The Giant and the Dwarf, Adam and Denis, brothers haunted by secrets, and challenged by physical limitations.
Haunted Knights is Book 2 of Montbryce-The Next Generation Series, also known as the Wounded Warrior Series. The heroes and heroines struggle to come to terms with physical impairments in a medieval world where survival of the fittest is a stark reality.
Is love the secret to their survival and happiness?
Genre: historical romance
Publication date: June 2013
Mature content: yes
Review: I had this book on my reading list for a long time and I'm glad I finally managed to go through it. I love historical romances and Anna Markland is a master when it comes to getting readers into the intricate world of medieval England and Normandy.
In addition, the less than perfect main characters in this book are a welcome change from the male model knights and outstandingly beautiful women of most novels. The book portrays a reality that you rarely see in other historical romances and shows you that deformities and other human impairments were accepted by some and strongly shunned by others in the middle ages - sadly, much as it happens still today in many places. But it was heartwarming to read a book where physically imperfect people have pure and brave hearts and also manage to find their happily ever afters.
I only had two concerns with Haunted Knights, and they are the reason I'm rating the book with four stars instead of five. First, there's too much erotic detail throughout the story, in places where it was perfectly dispensable. I found myself doubting, for example, that Dennis could be lusting after Paulina (whom he's just seeing for the first time) after a tragic fire almost killed them, when they are still working to save themselves and their belongings and just a short time after Paulina's parents - however much unloved - have been killed. And second, at some point the story expands to include an array of additional characters and the plot sometimes shifts to their point of view, which is confusing. It's true I didn't read all of the previous books (but I did read Dark Irish Knight, the book immediately before Haunted Knights), but I suspect that even if I had I would still be half lost anyway.
Still, if you manage to overcome the two details above, Haunted Knights is a fast paced book that you will have a hard time putting down.
In addition, the less than perfect main characters in this book are a welcome change from the male model knights and outstandingly beautiful women of most novels. The book portrays a reality that you rarely see in other historical romances and shows you that deformities and other human impairments were accepted by some and strongly shunned by others in the middle ages - sadly, much as it happens still today in many places. But it was heartwarming to read a book where physically imperfect people have pure and brave hearts and also manage to find their happily ever afters.
Still, if you manage to overcome the two details above, Haunted Knights is a fast paced book that you will have a hard time putting down.
Happy readings,

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