Indie author and book review expert Jason B. Ladd reveals the secret to scoring book reviews on Amazon as an unknown author.
Using a strategic mix of automation and personalization, Book Review Banzai is helping authors get the reviews they so desperately need in today's crowded publishing market-place.
This high integrity system is a laser-focused approach that teaches authors not only how to effectively get book reviews on Amazon, but how to get them in quantities that matter.
Using a combination of free web tools and effective marketing tactics, this 5-step technique saves authors time and frustration by walking them through a process that begins with a Google Search and ends with an Amazon ebook page full of reviews.
If you’re publishing a book on Amazon, you must learn how to market your book. Specifically, you must learn how to get book reviews on Amazon.
If you’re serious about getting your published work into the hands of reviewers and readers, if you want to finally book that BookBub slot, if you’re ready to unlock your book’s full potential, then you need this concise, competent guide on how to get book reviews on Amazon!
Using a strategic mix of automation and personalization, Book Review Banzai is helping authors get the reviews they so desperately need in today's crowded publishing market-place.
This high integrity system is a laser-focused approach that teaches authors not only how to effectively get book reviews on Amazon, but how to get them in quantities that matter.
Using a combination of free web tools and effective marketing tactics, this 5-step technique saves authors time and frustration by walking them through a process that begins with a Google Search and ends with an Amazon ebook page full of reviews.
If you’re publishing a book on Amazon, you must learn how to market your book. Specifically, you must learn how to get book reviews on Amazon.
If you’re serious about getting your published work into the hands of reviewers and readers, if you want to finally book that BookBub slot, if you’re ready to unlock your book’s full potential, then you need this concise, competent guide on how to get book reviews on Amazon!
Genre: non-fiction
Publication date: June 2017
Mature content: none
Review: Book Review Banzai: The Unknown Author's Ultimate Guide to Getting Amazon Reviews is written in a very engaging way, one that often made me smile while at the same time nodding and thinking "he's absolutely right!".
I have never published a book before, even though I've had several ideas laying around half-written for years. But if I ever come to the point where I decide to be organized enough (and brave enough) to publish something, Book Review Banzai will be my go-to guide for the launch strategy. Because if you're going to do it, you might as well do it right - both successfully and ethically.
In Book Review Banzai all the tools available to improve authors chances to get reviews are described in detail but also in a way you can easily grasp. And if writing is not your goal in life and you just love reading (like me, at least for now), this is still a great book to get an insight of how the publishing business really works today and the difficulties new authors face.
And hopefully you will also understand the importance of reviewing all the books you read, even if a couple of lines are all you have to say - an honest review will help both author and future readers alike.
Book Review Banzai dwells on book reviews (obviously) but in my opinion it also goes a bit beyond that because it shows that if you really want something and you're willing to work for it, you'll find a way. There may be no quick fixes - not for publishing books, apparently - nor, as I see it, for anything else in life. But commitment and hard work will get you there. And in this case, if your problem is publishing a book, Book Review Banzai is already saving you a lot of effort by pointing you in the right direction.
Overall, Book Review Banzai is interesting, quick and easy to read and goes straight to the point - all great qualities. Five stars.
I was provided for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Have a wonderful weekend, I have never published a book before, even though I've had several ideas laying around half-written for years. But if I ever come to the point where I decide to be organized enough (and brave enough) to publish something, Book Review Banzai will be my go-to guide for the launch strategy. Because if you're going to do it, you might as well do it right - both successfully and ethically.
In Book Review Banzai all the tools available to improve authors chances to get reviews are described in detail but also in a way you can easily grasp. And if writing is not your goal in life and you just love reading (like me, at least for now), this is still a great book to get an insight of how the publishing business really works today and the difficulties new authors face.
Book Review Banzai dwells on book reviews (obviously) but in my opinion it also goes a bit beyond that because it shows that if you really want something and you're willing to work for it, you'll find a way. There may be no quick fixes - not for publishing books, apparently - nor, as I see it, for anything else in life. But commitment and hard work will get you there. And in this case, if your problem is publishing a book, Book Review Banzai is already saving you a lot of effort by pointing you in the right direction.
Overall, Book Review Banzai is interesting, quick and easy to read and goes straight to the point - all great qualities. Five stars.
I was provided for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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